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đŸ˜± New Survey Reveals True Cost of Caring For Your Pet...

Everyone's skipping work to take care of their pets...

New Survey Reveals True Cost of Caring For Your Pet

Working pet parents are feeling the squeeze! Juggling professional duties while caring for furry family members is a serious challenge, according to Businesswire & Wagmo. Polling over 1,000 full-time employees across the U.S., the survey highlights how pet care impacts attendance and productivity, and why pet-related perks are crucial for companies aiming to attract and retain top talent.

A staggering 75% of working pet owners missed at least one day of work last year because of pet care problems, with over 25% missing six or more days. And when their pets are unwell, the distraction level skyrockets—65% report being extremely or very distracted at work.

But here’s the kicker: pet insurance alone doesn’t cut it. In fact, employees without pet health insurance are even more distracted when their pets are sick. On the flip side, those with both insurance and wellness plans are less likely to be sidelined by pet-related stress.

“The numbers make it clear—employees are struggling to balance work and pet care,” says Wagmo CEO Christie Horvath. “Offering robust pet care benefits, especially wellness plans, can curb distractions, boost productivity, and improve overall employee well-being.”

The timing couldn’t be more critical. Pet-related costs have skyrocketed, with Americans spending $186 billion on pets in 2023—outpacing childcare! And with more U.S. households now owning pets (70%) than children (40%), the demand for pet-friendly benefits is only growing.

The survey reveals that over half of working pet parents spent more than $1,000 on pet care last year, and many far exceeded that. The rising costs of vet care are the number one pain point, especially for those without pet wellness or insurance plans.

While many pet parents are trying to alleviate this financial burden—54% have pet insurance and 44% have wellness plans—only 24% enjoy the best of both worlds. And although pet insurance is on the rise, fewer than 3% of pets in the U.S. are covered.

So what does this mean for the future?

As Millennials and Gen Z employees take over the workforce, employers need to step up with pet wellness plans to meet the needs of the next generation of pet parents. Survey respondents see the value: 36% say wellness plans ensure quality care, while others highlight cost savings and fast reimbursements.

Pet-related perks are also becoming a critical part of job negotiations. Sixty-five percent of working pet parents say benefits influence their job choices, and nearly half rate them as very important. In today’s competitive job market, pet benefits could be the secret weapon in attracting and retaining top talent.

“As employers look to create inclusive workplaces, they can’t forget about pet parents,” Horvath adds. “Supporting employees’ pets isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have for a happy, productive workforce.”

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Another day , another roll of paper towels gone đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł who left them out ?! #dogsoftiktok #dogmom #puppytiktok